Quark Xpress V5.0 英文光碟正式版
破解說明:安裝序號: 39173027QHSKKJF3199PYJX2
Quark Xpress V5.0 英文光碟正式版(排版軟體)
排版界中除了PageMaker之外,最富盛名的排版軟體就是Quark Xpress,因為他的
功能強大,而且處理排版資料又比PageMaker 來的優良,所以一直是拼版軟體中
的佼佼者,自從上次的QuarkXpress V4.0上市就造成轟動,所以這次特別推出專
門為了PC使用者所設計的QuarkXpress V5.0版本且與Mac的版本有明顯的不同。
If you publish, you know the power of QuarkXPress.
The software that sparked a revolution when released in 1987 is today
relied upon by millions of users worldwide. From globally distributed
newspapers and magazines, to corporate publications, books, catalogs, and
advertisements — chances are most of the printed information you come
across is designed and laid out in QuarkXPress?.
But at Quark?, we know that man does not communicate by print alone.
Today, publishers also deliver content over the Web, through wireless
devices, and in eBooks, and the list is continually growing. QuarkXPress
has expanded in step with the explosion in electronic publishing. Whether
you publish in print, electronically, or both, QuarkXPress is the tool
that lets you create content once and deliver it quickly and efficiently
through the media options your customers demand.