Asymetrix ToolBook Instructor V8.6 英文光碟正式版 <支援格式最多的電子書轉換、閱讀程式>
Asymetrix ToolBook Assistant V8.5 英文光碟正式版
所有的電子書格式, SCORM, AICC, IMS, ADL,IEE都可以,所以是一套非常好用電
With ToolBook Assistant, virtually anyone with information to share can
create high-quality, e-learning content. It'seasy. To create and
distribute online courses without programming, we've broken down the
entire process into three simple steps: point... click... author!
New Features
Publish courses easily to standards-compliant LMSs In ToolBook you can
now simply choose the type of standard learning management system (LMS)
format from a drop-down list in the Web Specialist and all of the
preparation will be done automatically. The SCORM 1.2 format and AICC
HTTP protocol are also available.
More options in the Web Specialist
When you prepare ToolBook applications for delivery with the Web
Specialist, you can now choose to package an exported DHTML application
as one ZIP file. Other new options include Launching a DHTML application
in a Web browser without opening a new window. Specifying any name
changes ToolBook makes to media assets and graphics during export to
Compression of exported files during the publishing process
Parameter encryption in exported DHTML content Obfuscation of exported
JavaScript code
New PowerPoint Object in the ToolBook Assistant Catalog
The ToolBook Assistant Catalog now contains a placeholder for displaying
current versions of PowerPoint presentations. Any file created with
PowerPoint 97 through PowerPoint 2002 can be shown through this
placeholder in Internet Explorer.
Working with the Aspen Enterprise Learning Platform
The ToolBook Web Specialist gives you the option to deliver ToolBook
content to any component of the Aspen Enterprise Learning Platform. A new
Aspen category in the ToolBook Assistant Catalog provides buttons and
other objects that will add preprogrammed functionality to your content
when it is deployed through the Aspen.