Fujitsu NetCOBOL Suite v7.0L10 Enterprise Edition WinALL Incl Keymaker 英文光碟正式版(支援.net的COBOL語言開發工具)
Fujitsu NetCOBOL Suite v7.0L10 Enterprise Edition WinALL Incl Keymaker 英文光碟正式版(支援.net的COBOL語言開發工具)
NetCOBOL (以前叫 Fujitsu COBOL) 是支援.net的COBOL語言開發工具,包含了能夠產生
Microsoft .NET代碼的COBOL-85編譯器,從而把現有的COBOL遷移到.NET運行時。雖然用
COBOL構建ASP.NET應用程式或者XML Web服務看起來未免過於牽強,但這卻是不折不扣的
事實。對新開發專案而言, NetCOBOL同Visual Studio .NET相集成,支援.NET Windows
Forms設計器。從而令開發人員可以採用Object COBOL創建Windows和Web應用程式。
NetCOBOL (previously called Fujitsu COBOL) for Windows is a
complete COBOL development environment that allows you to create
standalone COBOL applications and/or COBOL components for use with
Microsoft visual tools. NetCOBOL for Windows Version 7 runs on
Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003.
Main features:
- Highest performance and reliability
- Standards Compliant (Full ANSI Standard COBOL X3.23 1985)
- Compatible with VS COBOL II, OS/VS COBOL and Micro Focus COBOL
- Embedded SQL Preprocessor with ODBC support
- CGI, ISAPI and SAF support subroutines*
- Converts data between COBOL data files and XML (Enterprise Edition)
- Creates and works with COM/DCOM objects
- COBOL objects invokable from Active Server Pagesr*
- Integrates with Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS)*
- Provides Web Application Wizard for creating Web applications
- Full-function GUI COBOL Integrated Development Environment (Edit, Compile, and Debug) (Professional Edition)
- Supports multi-threaded execution (Server Run-time)
- Provides event logging, trouble-shooting information on abends and just-in-time debugging
- Supports Unicode application development.