DevExpress ExpressPivotGrid Suite v1.30英文正式版(針對 Delphi 系列控制項的完整源代碼)
DevExpress ExpressPivotGrid Suite v1.30英文正式版(多維資料分析控制軟體)
The ExpressPivotGrid Suite -
Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis Control
When it comes to data mining and multi-dimensional analysis, an
advanced and feature complete pivot table control provides business
users unrivaled insights into daily operations. Until the release of
the ExpressPivotGrid, however, using the pivot capabilities of
products like MS ExcelR meant introducing "out-of-process"
solutions within managed applications.
The ExpressPivotGrid Suite was engineered from the ground-up to blow
away the limitations posed not just by these out-of-process
solutions, but to radically improve the way in which data-centric
applications deliver information to end-users. With its powerful
data architecture, the ExpressPivotGrid is able to slice and dice
information efficiently and provide customers with an extremely
intuitive end-user experience. It delivers numerous layout
customization options with total end-user control over each
individual on-screen report. Regardless of the perspective, data can
be rendered to answer business questions - and best of all - it
allows you to focus on business rules rather than creating dozens
and dozens of reports.